The Importance of the Colonoscopy

No one likes to think about colonoscopies. They induce cringing when suggested the time has come for regular screening. People put them off and justify it by any means possible:

  • There isn't colon cancer history in my family.
  • I'm healthy and regular.
  • I have too much to do.
  • I'm going to be out of town.
  • The office can't function with out me for a full day.
The list of excuses could fill up this entire page. True, a colonoscopy is not something we look forward to like prostate exams or mammograms but, they are essential. Yes, there is more involved than just going to the doctor. The preparation needed for the colonoscopy is not fun! No one likes drinking the foul tasting saline mix, the sprints to the bathroom with cramping and sometimes explosive episodes or fasting meals for a day. This is only a speed bump in the course of life. To put it off you are risking so much more than just a miserable day, you are putting your health, your future, your family on the line.

Here is why YOU need to have that dreaded colonoscopy:

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (you or family).
  • Personal or familial history of colorectal cancer or colorectal polyps
  • Lack of regular physical exercise.
  • A diet low in fruit and veggies.
  • Overweight or obesity.
  • Alcohol consumption.
  • Tobacco use.
Friends, did you know that smoking can cause colorectal cancer? It can and I know this personally. My grandfather, who smoked for more than half his life span, died from colon cancer. Colon cancer is serious business and it can cost you your life. This is just another reason to kick that nasty habit.

Early detection is key and can mean the difference in preventative care or a fight for survival. It's your choice, what are you willing to give up by putting off your screening?

Call your doctor. Schedule that colonoscopy. Do it for your loved ones, yourself or even your dog! It's important!!


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